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Automation Path in Business

Nowadays Automation is not about replacing people, it is about using technology to automate manual work to save human time. Business Automation is now a path to growth, but is important to empower employees with tech skills to set a framework where automation is possible. Leaders should invest in upskilling programs and encourage employees to find solutions to enhance their day-to-day work, in this way automation becomes something cyclical and continuous, giving strength to employees not being a threat for them.

Giving responsibilities to the employees is the first step to start the Automation path in business that starts from the single activity arriving to change the whole way of working within the company, the automation path can be synthesized in steps:

  • Macros and scripts: enable users to automate rule-based and daily activities within a single application
  • Robotic process automation: automates labor-intensive activities across multiple systems by programming software robot to replicate a user’s workflow
  • Process orchestration: reengineers business processes by using integrating systems to restructure labor and to optimize workflows
  • Intelligent automation: optimize business processes using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation to learn over time and make predictions

A fifth step could be the “Autonomous Intelligence” which is the automation of decision-making processes without human intervention, this step is for the moment quite far from the large-scale job but it could be the future and it is important to start thinking about how to manage it both economically and socially!

Last but not least, remember to automate value added process steps and eliminate waste.

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