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Will Covid-19 kill coworking spaces?

That would seem to be a logical and immediate prognosis to make in the new era of telework and social distancing. Any place or activity that brings together a sizable number of strangers is a top candidate for irrevocable disruption and lasting harm.

But there are at least three reasons why the coworking industry should emerge from the Covid-19 crisis not only stronger but also more important and necessary.

Reason #1: remote workers have to work somewhere. Telework will flourish as large corporations “de-densify” their offices. After a couple of months of lockdown and working at home, millions of people will be eager to work from somewhere else, anywhere else.

Reason #2: resource coordination for small business. Coworking spaces are well-positioned to help emergency relief funds reach peripheral and hard-to-reach local businesses.

Reason #3: community is key to recovery. Effective coworking spaces are community hubs, essential sources of the Local Connectedness that will be a key ingredient in rebounding from the crisis.

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